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Water Message : presented by UP., Corporation.

"Methylene Blue" Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration Testing Reagent


Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration Testing Reagent, "Methylene Blue"

Methylene Blue, the dissolved hydrogen concentration testing reagent, produced by Miz corp.
is used to test of hydrogen water in a bottle or alminium pouch, to test its maker's function, demonstration, etc.


You can measure the concentration of dissolved hydrogen every 0.1 ppm accurately.

Measuring Dissolved Hydrogen in the Hydrogen Water of Aquela Blue

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produced by MiZ corporation

"Methylene Blue" Dissolved Hydrogen Concentration Testing Reagent

【The Object of Measurment】 alminium bottle/hydrogen water in an alminium pouch / electrolyzed reduced water / Alkalin Ionized water / Magnesium Catalysis Hydrogen Water Maker / Hydrogen Stick / Hydrogen for Drinking (if the sample is a type of powder, pill, or capsule, please measure after dissolve them in the water in a test tube)

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